Meet the Yorkshire woman on a mission to change image of angling (Yorkshire Post)
She is described as the new face of angling, but can Yorkshire’s Marina Gibson really turn fishing into a sport for hipsters? Interview with Yorkshire Post.
She is described as the new face of angling, but can Yorkshire’s Marina Gibson really turn fishing into a sport for hipsters? Interview with Yorkshire Post.
Timid trout fisherman, Rupert Hawksley, enlists the help of Marina Gibson to land a monster of the deep.
Renowned angler Marina Gibson explains how she fell hook, line and sinker for her dog Sedge.
There’s a new breed of angler, and they are more likely to have tattoos and piercings than tweed outfits
My parents taught my brother and me to fly fish with a single handed rod from the age of around five, and we moved onto double handed rods when we were eight.
A friend adopted a street dog from Cyprus whilst she was working there. These dogs have a minimal amount of time to be adopted before they are put down.
Swapping city for stream. The correlation between happiness and time spent outdoors is wistfully discussed with high frequency amongst the city dwelling set.
Fishing for bluefin tuna at Languedoc Roussillon, Pyrénées Orientales, an incredible fishing place on France’s south coast.
For eager fishermen who get itchy feet during the close season, grayling certainly provide the fix; the perfect tonic to the fishing blues.