1 June 2016

Around Britain with a fly rod

Great UK angling in Mid & South Wales, Tyne & Wear, Devon, Andover, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Hampshire, North Yorkshire, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Scotland....more

1 April 2016

Tackling Your First Saltwater Adventure

Thank you 'Off The Scale' for publishing my latest article, loving the fact you can download online issues for FREE....more

1 February 2016

My Red Letter Day (The Field Magazine)

Fly fishing for Atlantic Salmon on the River Spey using a Grant's Orange, a fly invented by our Ghillie Grant Morrison....more

4 January 2016

50 Shades of Grayling

For eager fishermen who get itchy feet during the close season, grayling certainly provide the fix; the perfect tonic to the fishing blues....more

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